IP 2516PA White Mat Transl. PA (rol 50m) - 137,2cm

IP 2516PA White Mat Transl. PA (rol 50m) - 137,2cm. Translucent Polymeric White Vinyl, Perfect Apply, B1 Fire Rating ImagePerfectTM 2516PA is a white matt calendered translucent vinyl, suitable for use on a wide variety of clean, dry surfaces and incorporates Spandex's PerfectApply technology. 'PerfectApply', with it's air-egress system, facilitates more efficient application via increased, initial repositionability and ultimately allows for a more professional finish with no entrapped air bubbles. IP 2516PA has been formulated to promote brilliant and colourful images with a medium to long-term, exterior durability. This translucent vinyl can be used in most interior applications and many exterior decorative and illuminated display applications (e.g. light boxes). It's use internally is further supported by it's B1 fire-rating. Laminate: IP2810-200